Tips On How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets

Your bed gathers all sorts of dirt, oil, and sweat while you’re sleeping. Washing your bed sheets is important so you can sleep soundly on fresh bedding. Also, your sheets collect stuff like skin flakes, dust, mites, and pet hair so washing them is important for sound sleep and healthier life. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing how often you should wash your sheets along with providing you with some tips on how to make the process a little easier. So if you’ve been wondering whether you’re washing your sheets often enough.

Reason For Washing Your Sheets

The reasons for washing your sheets are to clean them and to get rid of any dirt, body oils, sweat, skin flakes, dust, mites, and pet hair that might be on them. If you don’t wash your sheets, then you will be sleeping in all of that filth which can cause health problems such as:


If you’re allergic to dust, pollen, or pet dander, then not washing your bed sheets will cause you to have a reaction.

Respiratory Issues

Dust mites are tiny creatures that thrive in dirty environments. If you don’t wash your sheets, then you’re letting them feast on your dead skin cells. This can cause respiratory problems such as:


If you have eczema, then not washing your bed sheets can make it worse. The reason for this is that dirt and oil will cause skin irritation and make the eczema flare up.


If you have acne, then not washing sheets will make it worse. The reason for this is that dirt and body oils will clog your pores and cause more breakouts.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are tiny creatures that thrive in dirty environments. If you don’t wash your sheets weekly, then you’re letting them feast on your dead skin cells causing respiratory issues.

So, in order to have sound sleep and healthier life, it is important to wash your sheets regularly. The general rule of thumb is to wash your sheets once a week. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If you have pets or if you suffer from allergies, then you might need to wash your sheets more often.

Washing Techniques

Now that you know how important it is to wash your sheets, let’s talk about how often you should wash your sheets. There are a few different techniques that you can use to wash your sheets.

Low Temps Washing

The first technique is to wash them in the washing machine. This is the most common way to wash sheets and it’s also the easiest. Just throw them in the machine with some detergent and set them to the appropriate cycle. If you’re cleaning your sheets in the washing machine, you might be tempted to set the temperature to hot in order to remove dead skin cells and kill any bacteria. However, hot water can actually damage your sheets. It can cause them to shrink, fade, and pill. Instead, you should wash your sheets on a gentle or delicate cycle with warm water. If you need to remove tough stains, then you can use a pre-treatment product before scrubbing. When the wash cycle is complete, remove the sheets and toss them into your dryer.

Washing Your Sheets By Hand

The second technique is to wash them by hand. This is a good option if you have delicate sheets that can’t be machine-washed. Just fill up a sink or tub with some warm water and detergent and scrub away. Once you’ve scrubbed them clean, rinse them off with some clean water. Then, hang them up to dry or put them in the dryer on a low setting.

Washing Your Sheets By Carpet Cleaner

The third technique is to use a carpet cleaner. This is a good option if you have pet stains or other tough stains on your sheets. Just fill up the carpet cleaner with some water and detergent and run it over your sheets. Once the cycle is done, hang them up to dry or put them in the dryer on a low setting. Keep sheets clean between washings.

Drying Your Sheets

Once your sheets are clean, it’s time to dry them. You can either hang them up to dry or put them in the dryer. If you choose to hang them up, just make sure that they’re not in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause your sheets to fade. If you choose to put them in the dryer, set them to a low setting. High heat can damage your sheets just like hot water.

Avoid Fabric Softeners

When you’re drying your sheets, you might be tempted to use fabric softener. Fabric softeners can make your sheets feel softer and smell nice. However, it can also damage your sheets. Fabric softener can cause your sheets to yellow, pill, and shrink. If you want to keep your sheets in good condition, then avoid fabric softener.

Factors That Required Frequent Washing

There are a few factors that will require you to wash your sheets more often. These factors include:


It may be advisable for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin to replace their bed linens every three to four days. This is because dust and other allergens can build up on your sheets and cause flare-ups.


Pets can transfer their own dirt, dust, and other allergens to your sheets. This can cause problems for people with allergies or asthma.


If you have an infection, then you might need to wash your dirty sheets more often. This is because the infection can spread to your sheets and other people in your household.


If you sweat a lot, then you might need to wash your sheets more often. This is because sweat can cause stains and it can also attract bed bugs.

Eating in bed

If you eat in bed, then you might need to wash your dirty sheets more often. This is because food can attract bed bugs and it can also stain your sheets.

Sleeping Without Showering

If you sleep without showering, then you might need to wash your sheets more often. This is because sweat and dirt can build up on your sheets and cause them to smell.

How Often Should Wash Sheets

The frequency of your bed sheets’ washing depends on how quickly they get dirty. If you sleep in a different place every night, or if you travel often then it is probably best to wash less frequently- about once every two weeks should suffice for these circumstances.

If your pet sleeps with you, it might be best to wash your sheets more frequently- about once a week. If you don’t have any of the above circumstances and generally live a clean lifestyle, washing your sheets about once every two weeks should be sufficient. However, if you start to notice any stains or smells, it is probably time to wash them sooner.


How often you should wash your sheets is a question that many people ask. The answer, however, is not always straightforward. In this blog post, we’ve outlined the main reasons why you might need to wash your sheets frequently as well as some tips on how to best wash them. We hope this information proves useful and helps keep you and your family healthy and comfortable. Have any questions about sheet washing or general laundry care contact The Dutchman’s Laundry