Whether you own a washer and dryer or are temporarily on the road, using laundromat services offers a variety of benefits. What is one of the best benefits that a laundromat can offer? Laundromats can accommodate almost any laundry need and save you an immense amount of time in the process. Read on to learn more about the time-saving conveniences of laundromats.
![Laundromat Machines](data:image/svg+xml;nitro-empty-id=NDM4OjY5Mg==-1;base64,PHN2ZyB2aWV3Qm94PSIwIDAgMTAyNCA1NTkiIHdpZHRoPSIxMDI0IiBoZWlnaHQ9IjU1OSIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj48L3N2Zz4=)
Speed Up Your Wash Time
The small size of a household washer and dryer may require many loads. Considering that the average cycle time for a non-commercial machine is between 50-60 minutes, it can take up to two hours to wash and dry one load of laundry. Moreover, the average family washes up to 10 loads of laundry a week. So, if a busy week causes washing delays, laundry needs could turn into a multi-day task.
Fortunately, laundromats have numerous machine options that can easily clean loads of any size. As a result, laundromats can save time by allowing the simultaneous use of as many machines as needed to complete your laundry.
Still, laundromats are not the only facilities that offer multiple machines. Many apartment buildings feature laundry facilities with washers and dryers. But, apartment facilities often depend on machine-to-tenant ratios that can dramatically decrease the number of washers and dryers available for use. By contrast, laundromats can average up to 100 machines per location.
Laundromat Machines Are More Efficient
Laundromat machines can wash and dry more efficiently than personal machines.
As an example, laundromat washing machines often double as high-speed extractors. High-speed extraction allows washers to remove the majority of water from laundry during a machine’s spin cycle. This process dramatically reduces the time your laundry needs to dry.
Moreover, laundromat machines use less water and energy than personal washers and dryers, making laundromats an eco-friendly choice.
Save Time on Maintenance
With personal washers and dryers, you are solely responsible for maintaining your laundry machines. But, even with the best machine maintenance, there is no guarantee that your washer or dryer will not fail.
While many laundry machines provide warranties with their products, warranties typically only provide coverage for a limited amount of time and for a small number of mechanical components.
As a result, a defective machine can require a lengthy process to locate replacement components and find a mechanic.
Laundromats remove the burden of laundry machine maintenance. With a laundromat, you can expect to have access to a washer and dryer when you need it. In addition, when a laundromat experiences a failed machine, there are many machines available in its place.
Laundromats not only provide machine maintenance benefits; but they can also help
preserve the quality of fabric materials. Laundromat machines use smoother mechanical movements while retaining strong stain-removing capacity.
Smoother mechanical movements help maintain the quality of clothes by limiting the friction that laundry undergoes in a machine.
Let Someone Else Take the Load
If you are short on time, have clothing that requires special treatment, or have a laundry day, you can use a laundromat laundry service. Many laundromats offer full laundry services.
Full laundry services eliminate the worst aspects of wash day by washing, dry cleaning, folding, and bagging your laundry for you. In addition, some laundromats include delivery and drive-by services that will pick up your dirty laundry and return it once cleaned. These services allow you to fulfill your laundry needs all from the comfort of your home.
Become a Multitasking Maverick
When you are on the go, it can be challenging to find time to get things done. Because homes often come with the distraction of family and pets, it may be difficult to focus on work while waiting for your at-home laundry to finish. Laundromats offer an abundant amount of seating space to accommodate customers, which can provide ample opportunity to catch up on your week while doing laundry.
Find a Laundromat Provider
Now that you know the time-saving benefits of laundromats, all that’s left is to find a professional and reliable laundromat provider, that will provide all of the bells and whistles you need to get your laundry done. Good laundromat facilities include energy-saving machines, friendly services, experienced laundry professionals, and plenty of seating.
The Dutchman’s Laundry has years of experience in providing clean and efficient laundromat facilities. We pride ourselves on offering affordable full laundry services and reliable laundry machines. But don’t just take our word for it. Take a look at some of our customer reviews
here. For more information about The Dutchman Laundry and our services, call us today at (931) 896-2600.