Free Laundromat Rewards

Sign up for our free loyalty card and start earning free laundry!

At The Dutchman’s Laundry, you can sign up for a free loyalty rewards card which allows you to save money on your trip to the laundromat, and earn rewards for free usage in the future!

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Laundromat washing machines in Clarksville TN

Use our Loyalty Card to earn 10% back on wash and dry cycles! 

Choose the payment method that works for you!

Tired of relying on coin-operated washing machines and dryers? You are going to love our hassle-free FasCard system, which allows you to pay with your preferred payment method, with options including cash, credit, or debit.

At The Dutchman’s Laundry, we are one of the few coinless laundromats near Clarksville, TN. We accept cash and coins, but if you prefer to pay with your card, it makes the trip that much more convenient for you!

Instead of scrambling for change every time laundry day rolls around, The Dutchman’s Laundry allows you to easily and quickly pay for your laundry service with your payment method of choice.

Man hand holding credit card
Hand presenting a loyalty card with placeholder text.

Earn rewards and save money!

Additionally, our easy-to-operate FasCard system allows you to use a Dutchman’s Laundry loyalty card, which results in rewards and savings each and every time you do laundry with us!

This is just one way for us to show you how much we appreciate your business. Ask us about signing up for a loyalty card today.

Find out how the FasCard loyalty cards system works and how it can save you money


What our customers say about us


Kevin Jennie Siler

Pretty amazing facility. We took a plus sized queen comforter with shams, a twin quilt and comforter, and three sets of sheets to the Dutchman's today. They all conveniently fit into one washer! One cycle versus 5 or 6 at home. So clean, great environment, safe atmosphere. Feeling very thankful. Glad you're open.


Mary Vaughan Rivera

“I visited the Dutchman's Laundromat for the first time today. It was so nice and clean, filled with new machines, and dryers that work very well. There was even a very nice area for children. It was quiet and all the customers were friendly as well as the management... Give them a try, you won't be disappointed.”


Barb Burkholder

Very clean! Nice new washers and dryers with great prices! Nicest place in town to suds your duds!